Foods to munch on while chumming

Don’t let the monthly blues (or is it reds?) dampen your spirits. Indulge in these yummy treats!

Foods to munch on while chumming

Don’t let the monthly blues (or is it reds?) bring down your spirits. If you’re spitting fire at your colleagues and squirming in your seats due to cramps, here are some delicacies to make you feel  great about yourself.  Are you ready to go on a gastronomically-charged journey? Yes? Here we go then…


Tub of ice cream:


Nothing cools you down faster than a tub of rich and creamy ice cream. Bring out a huge tub from some fancy place and dig in without being worried about the calories you’re going to put on. With exotic flavours coming out every day, you are going to be spoilt for choice.  And the best part of this cold delicacy is that the sugar content will not only boos up your spirits, but also ensure that you have enough glucose in the system. Ice cream is no longer the ‘break up’ food, it’s very much a ‘chumming’ khaana.


Fried and fancy:


Get those delicious looking fry yums  in different shapes and sizes. Fry them or bake them and pop in through the day. This high on fat goodie will make you feel on top of the world, because fats have the ability to pep up your mood. Get salsa or cheesy dips or any other chutney that you dig and get set for an enjoyable meal. This fancy treat will not let you remember about those depressing four days of the month. Health-watchers may look down upon you for having junk (which supposedly worsens your condition), but trust us, this will make you feel less bloated and horrible.

Dark chocolates:


If you’re not a big fan of dark chocolates, you might go in for regular ones. But dark are slightly healthier, considering the minimum amount of sugar in them. These are sweetened using only the cocoa beans; hence they act as perfect anti-depressants.  

Piping hot soup:


Apart from being really warm and soothing, soups are extremely healthy.  Eat a big bowl of vegetable/chicken clear soup and watch your senses kicking into action. If you’re feeling guilty about eating fried food during this time, balance it out with a bowl of piping hot soup and you’re good to take on the world.

Creamy pastries and cookies


It may be criminal to have a blueberry cheesecake and a double choc chip cookie, but what the hell! You’re chumming and feeling like shit, pep up your mood with these treats and ask the world to go fly kites in the corner.  And if you’re having chocolate cakes, don’t forget to warm it up a bit so that the gooey chocolate melts effortlessly in your mouth.

We have given you four and one bonus foods to binge on during the four most difficult days of your life.  So, what’s your pick?








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