These Zero Calorie Foods Might Just Fill Up Your Tummy Meter!

Zero Calorie Foods – Prior hitting the gym, the trainer or the nutritionist either complains about your oversized weight or the over consumption of calories through junk food!

Prior hitting the gym, the trainer or the nutritionist either complains about your oversized weight or the over consumption of calories through junk food!

Either you must spend more hours in the workout or either shelve out the ‘outside food’ for life.

But just when one has to examine the food they eat, there are some that produce zero or less calories.

So one need not cringe on excess calories, and to an extent, one can burn up the calories as you consume them.

But just as we are trying to loathe on these zero calorie foods, let’s find out who are they.

Known to be high in Vitamin C, the plus side of Oranges is also that they are low in calories as compared to other fruits. While having oranges one may or may not burn up the calories which is debatable, but the point of the matter here is that oranges tries to keep the caloric level in check. Thus, one is trying to create a caloric scarcity and an orange can help you reach that goal.

Total calories per 100g serving: 47.



Salads are known to be ‘cabbage-full’ that’s because they have the ability to prevent cancer and heart diseases and it also helps in losing weight. Cabbage has a very low calorie count and thus one may burn them up so quickly at the gym or elsewhere.

Total calories per 100g serving: 25



Steamed, boiled or grilled beets are a great beneficiary in keep the calorie level in check or low calories. Beets are great for the human body since it contains betalains, an antioxidant that gives it its colour and is only found to be in few selected foods.

Total calories per 100g serving: 43.



Despite its sweet taste, watermelons carry a low number of calories. Watermelon carries antioxidants that aides our body in many ways. Furthermore, they also try to boost the metabolism and one must see to it that it does not go overboard on portion sizes.

Total calories per 100g serving: 30.



One of the frequent foods found on your platter, tomatoes are one of the healthiest foods around and is fitting enough that they feature on this list of zero calorie foods. Tomatoes are known to contain lycopene that are known to prevent cancer and thwarts off heart disease. Plus, it is also known to be a great weight loss food due to its low calories content. A combination of tomatoes with other low-calorie foods and voila! A perfect meal.

Total calories per 100g serving: 17.


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