These 5 Home Remedies Will Help You To Address The Oily Skin!

Oily skin can be irritating at times especially during the summer season.

Oily skin can be irritating at times especially during the summer season. The oil gets accumulated on the outer skin layer which leads to whiteheads, blackheads, pimples and other skin problems. The excess oil is a result of sebaceous glands in the skin that produces excess sebum.

The result of oily skin is simply down to genetics, dietary choices, too much stress or hormone changes in the body due to puberty. Especially, Women are more prone to oily skin during menstrual cycles, pregnancy, or menopause and while taking birth control pills. Thus, once your skin turns oily, it is difficult to manage it. So before you turn to those chemical-based creams or pay a visit to a skin clinic, here is the most simple home based remedies that can be equally effective to thwart away the oil from your sking:

Egg Whites
One of the best way to cleanse your skin from the excess oil is by having egg whites. They are high in vitamin A and can effectively dry out skin blemishes as well as tone and tighten up the oily skin. So, never mind your diet, go for these egg whites if you are to remove the oil from your skin.

Lemon Juice
Another home-based remedy to help you remove the oily skin is lemon juice. They are a good source of citric acids that work like an astringent. Lemon juices also contain antiseptic properties that can help lighten your skin discolorations.

‘An Apple a day, keeps a doctor away’. Yes, apples are also important as far as removing the skin oil as they work as a great exfoliating agent. Apples also contain mild antiseptic, astringent, and soothing properties that make them a great home remedy for oily skin.

The soothing sight of cucumbers are also very beneficial for oily skin due to their cooling and astringent properties. They contain a high vitamin and mineral content that includes vitamins A and E, magnesium, and potassium, that are good for oily skin.

Who said milk is only beneficial for your bones? Well, milk can can act as an oil-free cleanser that makes the oily skin soft. It also contains ‘alpha hydroxy’ acids that gently exfoliate the skin and maintains the skin’s natural balance.

Thus, the next time you need to pay a visit to your skin clinic; save your self some money and apply these above remedies instead!

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