Steps to manage your weight

You have just lost weight and you don’t want to see that number go back up on your scale. Although gaining the weight back might feel inevitable, it doesn’t have to be. Below are some easy steps on how to manage your weight:

You have just lost weight and you don’t want to see that number go back up on your scale. Although gaining the weight back might feel inevitable, it doesn’t have to be. Below are some easy steps on how to manage your weight:

Build more lean muscle
Maintain, or even increase your metabolism by continuing to build lean muscle. If you don’t yet train with weights, add this type of exercise to your overall program now. If you do, increase the amount of weight you are working with to keep yourself challenged.

Fight off hunger with more filling foods
Keeping that feeling of fullness can be done with foods high in fiber that includes fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. By doing so, you are not only gaining energy but also keeping away those unhealthy fats.

Avoid temptation
There are many ways to avoid daily temptations, including planning ahead when eating out, eating out less, and banning your worst weaknesses from the house.

Count calories
Use a journal such as My Calorie Counter to keep a running total throughout the day if that helps you keeps track of calorie consumption.

Plan your meals in advance
A maintenance diet has a lot of the same components as a weight-loss diet. Having a meal-by-meal plan that you can stick to, although it has more calories than your diet plan did, can act as a guide to keep you on track.
Consider adding minutes to your exercise plan
Experts recommend at least 30 minutes of physical activity five days a week, but emphasize that the more you exercise, the better able you are to maintain a weight loss.

Weigh yourself daily
Daily weigh-ins, which can be discouraging when you are on a diet, can be a boon during maintenance; they let you see, and stop, any slow creep upward as soon as it happens.
Watch less TV
Watching more and more of TV can cause an adverse effect on your health problems. You become lazy, and by itself you tend to add more fats by consuming foods like pizzas, popcorn and aerated drinks.  Too much TV can raise your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and death.
Eat breakfast
They call it the most important meal of the day for a reason. It’s best to eat similar healthy choices regularly (think oatmeal, Greek yogurt, and fresh fruit) and always start out with a good breakfast to avoid splurging or overeating on special occasions.

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