Save Your ‘Happydent Smile’ From Damage!

Food items like hard boiled sweets and dried fruits tantalise taste buds, but they may attack your teeth for worse. Furthermore, a visit to the Dentist awaits. Here are those culprits that cause damage to your teeth:

Food items like hard boiled sweets and dried fruits tantalise taste buds, but they may attack your teeth for worse. Furthermore, a visit to the Dentist awaits. Here are those culprits that cause damage to your teeth:

Goodness of kaaju-badaam


They are sticky and high in sugar. That means they not only stick to teeth easily, but the sugar feeds the bacteria in the mouth, which can lead to dental erosion. It’s best if you don’t overeat dried fruits.

The fizz that tempts you

Sugary and fizzy drinks are especially bad for teeth when you choose to sip for long periods of time. Your teeth get exposed to acid present in the drinks. Finish the drink as quickly as possible rather than sipping it through the meal or while watching TV.

Candies and other hard boiled sweets


These sweets not only stick to the teeth, but also stay in the mouth for a long time as the sweets take time to get dissolved.



They are said to stain the teeth and also make them stickier, especially if you add sugar to your cup of tea or coffee. This means that more food bits can stick to the teeth.

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