This year resolve to burn calories in a fun way!

To up your daily calorie burn and have a little fun in the process, try more of these everyday suggestions to keep moving, and watch the pounds melt away.

To up your daily calorie burn and have a little fun in the process, try more of these everyday suggestions to keep moving, and watch the pounds melt away.

Try something new
Join an adult recreational sports league for some non-gym calorie burning. By trying a new fitness activity, you will get in better shape, meet people and amaze yourself with skills you never knew you had.

Put down the drinks and put on your dancing shoes
Get out of the happy hour rut with your friends and go out dancing instead. You will skip the extra calories in alcohol and get a great cardio workout to boot.

Walk, walk, walk and walk
The simplest way to move more and improve your health is by putting one foot in front of the other. If you can, walk to run short errands instead of driving. Take the stairs as much as possible. Eat at your desk, and then use your lunch break to fit in extra steps with health-minded coworkers.

Go out and play
Whether it’s catch in the backyard or a bike ride around your neighborhood, there are ample opportunities to spend time together as a family and burn calories.

Get more intimate in bed
Yes, really. Most people burn between 100 to 200 calories each time they have sex and you can do a lot to shoot that calorie count through the roof. Whether it’s giving your partner a light massage or engaging in a good old-fashioned make-out session, there are lots of little ways you can send your calorie burn (and your love life) soaring.

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