Benefits of Interval Training

Looking to eliminate boredom, burn more calories, and add some intensity to your workout? Here is why Interval Training can be the best option for you:

Looking to eliminate boredom, burn more calories, and add some intensity to your workout? Here is why Interval Training can be the best option for you:

What is Interval Training?
Interval training is a type of non-stop physical training that involves a series of low- to high-intensity exercise workouts interspersed with rest or relief periods.

You lose weight faster
The more vigorous your exercise, the more calories you will burn, so even short bursts will help you lose weight.

It eliminates boredom
By varying the intensity of your exercises, it changes things up. Not only will your fitness program go by faster, but you won’t experience the drudgery that can come from doing the same routine every day.

No extras needed
You already have the equipment you need for your interval training because you’re already doing the basic workout. Interval training requires no special skills — the only thing needed is more effort on your part.

You increase your fitness levels
You will improve your ability to exercise and increase your stamina over time.

You reduce the time spent on exercise
You spend less time exercising, but you burn the same or more calories as with your normal routine.


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