Education & Career

Working Hard or Smart – Which Should Be The Ideal Way?

Working Hard – We have been hearing this question right since we stepped in our school for the first day ever.

Don’t we? Working hard or working smart has been gambling most of us to strategise our next step towards success. Frankly speaking, I have been facing this debate right since the early days of my childhood.

Today, the entire world is divided into two strata: hard workers and smart workers. After going through the findings of research studies, I categorise myself as a hard worker. People today, prefer to work smart than others. The reason behind this cup of tea is simple and straightforward. Everyone is a part of the million dollar rat race in his respective domain. You have to struggle no matter what to reach your final destination. Sweat, sacrifice, dedication and so on are the essential factors that decide your struggle outcomes.

It is righteously said that glory clinched in without struggles doesn’t soothe the inner us.

But do that mean smart workers gain success easily?

Are hard workers not smart enough to attain their level of success? Do smart workers find a way out of putting in their extra efforts? If you are thinking on the same line, then it is not the scenario with smart workers. The only reason smart workers attain triumph is that they visualise the entire rat race from a different perspective.

For some people, success means only making money; while for others success aims at clinching in their desired target and put their theoretical knowledge to practical use. I belong to the second strata of the society where I work hard to put my knowledge inputs into practical use.

Due to the highly competitive world, it is no doubt that you cannot escape the rat race entirely. There have been instances where hard work is the only way to achieve success say, e.g. cricket match. On the other working smartly can lead you one step ahead towards success if your strategy goes right.

Self-awareness is the ultimate key towards clinching in your desired level of success. You need to question yourself what are your strengths and weakness. Smart people work hard on polishing and nurturing their strengths and building up a considerable clientele for them to succeed with their life goals. But does it means that they ignore their flaws? Well, you cannot ignore something you lack in. Here is where the smart workers lead the world. It is essential for all of us to understand that no human is 100 per cent perfect. We all have our flaws, and to achieve our goal, we need to either overcome those or avoid them entirely. This is the ideal strategy for smart workers.

Here are some of the leading tips which might help you to work smartly while Working Hard on achieving your dreams.

Working Hard –

Time the inner you:

No wonder, to-do-list is one of the most important things for today’s generation. You need to time the spiritual you. Timing the inner you means having control over all your inner senses so that they won’t distract you from your goal. Define a to-do-list for yourself. But your work doesn’t end here itself. To be more productive, you need to maintain a strict routine to stick to your to-do list. Your to-do list must comprise of tasks grouped efficiently and in the order of priority. This will help you in the long run and make you more productive. Self-realisation, identification is crucial at the initial stages to clinch in your targeted goal at ease.

Define your goal, purpose and scope:

One thing in which the smart people have leading supremacy in comparison to their hard-working counterparts is they are precise with their goal, purpose and scope of the goal. You can claim these three to be your navigation system to drive you towards your defined level of success. Once you are through with your goal, purpose and scope, your work shall become the passion of your life, and soon you will start enjoying it from the central core of your heart. Put this practice in whatever you opt for. Say, e.g. if your goal is to become a doctor, define what is the purpose behind you becoming a doctor? Lastly, visualise yourself as a doctor and then pen down where do you see yourself with your professional career?

Working Hard – Make it a regular habit of leaving a note for yourself. Leaving a reminder for yourself helps you to take a grip on the task back from where you halted for the last time. It shall prevent you from wasting your time unnecessarily into the millions of unproductive things which holds you back. All you need to do is to remember that smart working ethics hovers around the concept of jotting down both the efficient and effective ways of pushing you rigorously towards your goal.

Working Hard – Raise your smartness quotient to effectuate your process to reach your hardest dream efficiently.

Radhika Prabhu

Published by
Radhika Prabhu

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