Types Of Students You Meet During The Exams

Types of students

Types of students – Even the strongest bull of a man quakes like a leaf at the name of exams.

Nothing in life comes easy and we have to pass through tests to achieve something bigger. Of course, what else are exams for? to scare us silly. duh. There are different types of exams that students have to qualify for riding their career ladder.

Those are like, internal assesments, board exams, semesters, competitive exams and the likes of such. Sitting in the nondescript exam halls with a rather feisty invigilator strutting around, we do a lot of silly things and sometimes get caught also.

Overall, in the exam halls we really come across different kind of examinees who tickle our funny bones.

Here are some Types of students :

The Dahi Teeka ones:

Come hell or high water, they will never go out of the house for appearing in examinations without wearing the little white dot of yoghurt on their forehead. It is rather believed by Indian moms that that Dahi Teeka will optimize her child’s luck in their exams and they will pass them with flying colors.

The ‘Last minute revision’ one:

Then there will be the one who will try to elevate their confidence by the last minute glace-through the book. The last minute will span beyond the final bell and they will have a tough time parting with their books no matter if the invigilator starts distributing the sheets.

The Proud one:

Students of this category will arrive soon early for the exams because they have their eyes set on the first bench. They would rather find it comfortable sit in the sight of the invigilator so that no one dares to bother them from the behind. They are too snob to share their knowledge with anyone in the examination hall. This kind is the ones who breed green eyed monsters with their marks.

The Pen Poker:

This lot will while away their time in the examination hall by poking people with their pen because they apparently have come completely unprepared for the exam and don’t know to attempt the questions. As a result, they will start seeking help which will turn into a torture for the one who is sitting ahead of him. The pain poker is the merciless and disturbing others is one of their celebrated wiles.

The Chirkut hiders:

They will find a few ways to make micro-notes and hide it in their pockets of geometry boxes sneakily and even if you appoint CIA, tracking those micro-notes aka chirkuts down will be a real elbow-grease.

Types of students – Humor is the antidote to our gutting grief and we belief such kind of students have really made you chuckle to kiss away your exam tension.

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