Education & Career

Internship : A Ladder To Your Dream Job

When I joined my graduation course, people told me that I would have to undergo at least one internship to complete graduation; it was a part of our curriculum. Then, I had just wondered about how difficult is it going to be.

Reaching the end of college life, when I turned to take a look at what I’d learnt all those years, I knew I had to thank my college for implementing industrial training and internship as a part of our curriculum or else I would never have learnt what I did.

An internship is meant for you, to gain practical knowledge of the subject while you’re still studying. They fetch your C.V. more points as compared to others. While you study, all you gain is theoritical knowledge. But the practical hands-on approach will not just add up to the value of your degree but also make you more thorough with the subject. Employers look for a candidate with good internship background, before they decide to zero him/her for the job.

Earlier internships weren’t looked upon as an essential part of your degree, as students gained practical knowledge along with theoritical knowledge. However, times have changed. Today, it shares the same importance as graduation.

While you intern at different organisations, you get to know more about the scope of your field.  For example, if you are an undergraduate pursuing B.Com or BMM or Bachelors in Journalism, you could try interning as a writer, SEO expert, SMO expert or anything related to media field. Exploring opportunities will help you choose the best in you. Also, it is very likely that the organisation which hired you as an intern will hire you as a fresher as well. Because you know the way things are done there and you don’t have to be given instructions for every petty thing, you will be preferred over other candidates.

The continued uncertainty in placements has filtered down students, soon-to-be graduates feeling unprepared for the working world. According to a survey, when students were asked what they believed their college was lacking that would prepare them for the working world, more than 50 percent said access to internships.

The more internships you undertake, the more career choices you will have. Apart from that, you will also gain insights into different fields and work environments. Trust me, you won’t get any of these while you are sitting and attending lectures in your classroom.


Isha Mishra

Published by
Isha Mishra

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