Education & Career

You Can Be The Next Millionaire! Just Do This!

 “If you’re born poor, it’s not your mistake. But if you die poor, it is your mistake.” – Bill Gates

Not all of us are born with a silver spoon but that does not mean we cannot earn the silver spoon. Everybody wants to be a millionaire and we sure work hard for it.

But there are some essentials to becoming a millionaire that not all of us follow which is what keeps us from becoming one.

So here’s a list of things you strictly must do if you want to be the next millionaire.

  1. Set Your Goals and Invest In Yourself

The most important step to becoming a millionaire is the preparation to become one. You need to prepare yourself right. Firstly, set a goal- I want to become a millionaire by the age of 30 or I want to pay off all my debts within 2 years. This will keep your focus and you can prepare yourself for it. Get the right education and make the most of it. Nothing can be done if you don’t not have the right skills and knowledge and the intelligence to use them well.

  1. Follow The Lives Successful Millionaires

It will be very helpful if you take advice from the lives of those who are already a millionaire. Give yourself a role model- a mentor and read about their lives. Take inspiration from people who started with nothing in their hands and read about their journeys. Also, surround yourself with millionaires. This will help you to think how rich people think and also in various other ways.

  1. Tenacity and Self Confidence

What is very important is to have confidence in yourself and a high self esteem that assures you time and again that you can do it. Be tenacious and stand up again if you fall. Don’t be scared to start again and take risks. Remember the prime rule – No risks, No Gains. Thus, take risks and believe in yourself and keep going forward.

  1. Let Your Money Do the Hard Work

The absolute rule is Save To Invest. If you are saving and not investing that money, it is a sheer waste. Invest your savings in safe projects and make sure that they are not easily available to you. Investments should be unbreakable so that you don’t use them for minor needs. Let your money make more money for you buy doing smart investments.

  1. Get the Right Attitude – Shoot for The Stars

To become a millionaire you have to think and act like a millionaire. Have the passion to become rich. Being poor is NOT okay. You can never have Enough money and there is always scope for more. Aim higher- shoot for 10 million and not 1 million. Don’t show off. Let your work show off for you. Let people know you for your skills and work ethics and not the luxury car or watch that you buy. Shoot for the stars, even if you fail, you will still land up on the moon. You have to think like a millionaire, walk like a millionaire, talk like a millionaire and sleep like a millionaire to become a millionaire.

  1. Money Is a Jealous Lover

Always remember – Money doesn’t sleep, money doesn’t fall sick, money does not take holidays and money is like a jealous lover who will not stay with you if you do not make it your priority. Work hard- harder than others and stand out. Hard work and value for every penny is a very important trait that you must develop if you want to get rich.

Earning money and getting rich is hard but with the right attitude and right habits, becoming a millionaire won’t remain a distant dream. Just remember to tell yourself – You Can Do It, all the time and you will surely get there.

Charu Jairath

Published by
Charu Jairath

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