Education & Career

How To Create An Amazing Office Atmosphere

Amazing office atmosphere – What comes to your mind when I say ‘culture?’ Not just in terms of religion or ethnicity, but the word is used to define the working condition at your workplace as well. While most of the corporates believe in creating a friendly and cool atmosphere at work, even government organisations are no less when it comes to getting an ‘A’ in employee satisfaction.

Amazing office atmosphere –

Media, medicine, hospitality, food, and not to forget our dear engineering, whichever sector we are employed with, employee satisfaction is the key to success for the organization. No employee satisfaction means no productivity, which again comes down to one thing- No growth of the organization.

There are a number of things a leader or manager could try, to create a positive work environment and facilitate a feeling of cooperation, teamwork, smooth running of organization and especially joy, among the staff.

Let’s take a look at a few of them…

Amazing office atmosphere

1. Alleviate work related stress

Your workplace shouldn’t be something that people dread everyday. On the contrary, your employees should look forward to coming to work, as they get to utilise their innovative skills. Agreed that work might be difficult at times, but the culture shouldn’t add to the stress of the employee. Effectively, the working environment should be brought up in such a way, that it alleviates work-related stress.

2. Happy employees, Happy organization

Job satisfaction is one of the major ingredients of the growth of an organisation. Now when I say, happy employees, I don’t refer to employees who are happy with only the pay packet and have nothing to do with the work profile. You need to have employees that are happy on board as their satifaction means more productivity and in turn, more amount of growth. Only when the organization is growing faster, can it get a leg up on the competition. Else, no matter how much you try, you are always going to lag. Hence, it is worthy to invest for companies to build up and nourish a ‘happy employee’ work culture.

3. No limitation of employee freedom

Branded and well set up corporates would be well aware of this fact. Know that your culture is a recruiting tool for your organization. A candidate who is going to be employed with you, will always find a way for feedback. So, if you’re looking forward to hire talented people, make sure that your office cubicles aren’t filled with people who are there just to earn a few bucks. That, I am sorry to say, is going to make your company quite mediocre. On the other hand, if you do not limit employee freedom, you’ll attract talented, skilled and happy people. So, go and implement a unique culture at you workplace. I’d rather suggest that you make team outing once or twice a month a routine, just like coming to work everyday.

4. Knowing your A and B players

Nobody on this planet has all the answers. An organization where only the management takes all the decisions is sure to send away their A and B players. The day of an employee begins at work by doing what they are told to do, take orders, fulfill them, help somebody else achieve their dream and then wait for their leaving time. Frankly speaking, if the employee is still working with you, it’s time you start valuing their importance.

5. Recognition and Appreciation

No hard feelings, but your employees are NOT your salesmen. Though, I believe that whatever work you are engaged with, is respectable, but hiring your employees for a particular work profile and showing the reality of the organization later, is a big no-no. Learn to appreciate your employees. For every small and single achievement, your team plays a major role.

6. Staff Evaluations

I remember, while in college, rating each and every behaviour of our faculty was must by the end of a semester. Agreed that employee feedback is a must when it comes to career progression. However, rating only the employees is like creating a clapping sound out of one hand. So, be sure to create an employee feedback system, for all the levels in the organization.

Amazing office atmosphere Negative environment in the workplace, particularly when they are displayed by management or the small business owner, can leave a dramatic impact on the entire workforce, resulting in the company moving towards a failure. Happy team, happy organization, and even the world around you is happy.


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