When Hobby, Passion And Career Go All Together: Food Photography

How many times have you experienced the feeling: You’re in a restaurant when your plate of Bruschetta arrives and before you can dig into the sizzling cheese covering, you need to click a picture of it.

How many times have you experienced the feeling: You’re in a restaurant when your plate of Bruschetta arrives and before you can dig into the sizzling cheese covering, you need to click a picture of it. Social media websites have encouraged a global obsession with food photography. Hobby for some, passion for others, it could prove a turning point in your career. Here are a few things important for you to know, to make a career in food photography…

What is the work like
Depending on your knowledge and depth of your focus, your work profile maybe same or different as others. While food stylists are mainly responsible for creating and preparing a recipe for a photo shoot, food photographers are in charge of taking shots of the dish to make it look the best for promotion.

How does one become a food photographer?

You can take up a course which gives you an insight into being a professional food photographer. This will not only enlighten you about the essentials of food photography but also help you in the process of becoming a pro.

Due to the rise in demand of pursuing a career as a food stylist or photographer, there has been a number of openings and opportunities in this sector. Many stylists and photographers work as freelancers and depend on a strong portfolio as well as recommendations and referrals to book work.
However, to gain experience in this field, it is better if you choose to first work in a bakery or restaurant to get hands-on experience with food. Reach out to other food stylists and apply for work as a shopper.

Food photography complements your personality and skills only if you are interested in making a career in it. Like they say, every person with a camera in hand is not a photographer; every person that clicks a recipe is not a food photographer.

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