Losing a job can be hard. Whether it had something to do with your performance or nothing at all, it still comes as a blow to you, when you’re laid off suddenly.
Losing a job can be hard.
Whether it had something to do with your performance or nothing at all, it still comes as a blow to you, when you’re laid off suddenly.
The effects of job loss can attack you emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
A recent survey found that over the past few years a number of people found themselves involuntarily out of work, without any fault they know of. The reason behind you getting fired may have everything to do with your performance at your previous workplace or nothing at all, but what affects you the most, is the loss of your self-confidence.
We share a few ways you could rebuild yourself-confidence, on the sudden loss of your job. Read on.
Know your capabilities
There’s a reason you were hired for that job. While confidence is an important ingredient in getting a job, the loss of confidence has a direct impact on how you fare in other aspects of life. So, take time to identify your skills and potential. Think on what made you take up the job in the first place and what have you achieved from it. There is something good in reminiscing your achievements once in a while.
No doubt, the loss of your job has a direct impact on your personal life, but your job was not something that defined you. You define who you are from your ability to stand back and fight. People generally tend to consider their inability to work adequately as the reason they were fired. However, that is not true always. Maybe there were a few drawbacks since the very beginning, which you ignored. Think about how you needed a change from the job.
Learn something new
Identify something that interests you, if that is a skill which sounds relevant to your job profile you have a bonus. Set a goal and use different methodologies to achieve it. Know which was the best and which made you the most efficient. This will not only build your self-confidence, but will also help you know about your hidden talents.
What next
Maybe the reason you lost your job was for the good. Maybe there is something better waiting for you out there. And maybe, you needed a change or switch. While getting your desired job could be tough, waiting for it or something similar patiently can help you know what you’re worthy of. Treat finding a desirable job your new job. Strategizing, structuring and then prioritizing should be your only motto. Your confidence is bound to shoot up, once you know what you deserve and worthy of.
Becoming unemployed without any prior notice is like thunder hitting your roof.
However, it is you who has to stand back and build your fort. So re-evaluate, spend time with family and prioritize what matters to you the most. Self-confidence is all assured for you.