Does Job Hopping Accelerate Your Career Opportunities ?

To boost your career options it is good that you try things differently. Here are a few reasons why we think job hopping could prove good for your career…

Recruiting is a time consuming process and finding the right people to fit the role and company can be difficult. According to a survey, more than 60 percent of job switching is done in between 20 to 30. To believe a few researchers, job hopping is good for you as you will never get to know what you love doing until you try it. But the question that remains is- Is job hopping good for your career?

Majority of career counsellors believe that job hopping is good for people of every age and not just the young ones in the field, as they keep your passion maintained in the work. Apart from that it helps you build a good network, which again is going to help you change your job. It’s more like a reversible cycle that helps you boost your career. That people who have numerous jobs on their C.V, have limited potentials and are not good for hiring is a misconception. On the contrary, they have been employed with more number of organisation which in turn gives them the idea of the latest trends in that sector.

To boost your career options it is good that you try things differently. Those who hold an experience of an year or two, when asked about the idea of switching jobs, reverted that they would do it for passion and money. Here are a few reasons why we think job hopping could prove good for your career…

#1. Your resume reveals that you have been associated with a number of companies, hence are updated about the changing trends and diverse working environments.

#2.  Higher salary than the previous company is always an added bonus.

#3.  As you choose to change jobs frequently, you have a large number of contacts, which in turn will help you earn more points in the competetion than your contemporaries.

#4. Your fearless approach does not hold you back while trying new things.

#5.  Often job hoppers can add a boost to a company’s productivity, as everyone wants to make a good impression when they first start a new job.

By making strategic moves, negotiating your salaries and nurturing your network, you can job hop your way to the top. Is that not the way a modern career is seen?

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