5 Career Trend Changes You Might Experience In The Job Market Since You Last Went Job Searching

Getting back to something you have not done in a long time can be difficult. We tell you about a few things that might have changed since you last went job hunting.

They say change is the only constant. And believe it or not, every sector- job or otherwise, is changing, every single day. Your experience, the last time you went job searching, would be totally different from what you might experience now.

Getting back to something you have not done in a long time can be difficult. Just like rekindling old passions and hobbies take some time, similarly job hunt is going to be tough, even if you switched you job three months back (I am assuming you wouldn’t really change your job within three months unless it’s a matter of utter importance). We tell you about a few things that might have changed since you last went job hunting.

1. Introduction

While the last time you met your prospective employer in his board room, after he dropped you a mail regarding the meeting schedule, this time you may have to go out for a lunch or breakfast in a fancy restaurant. The better and smarter way to know people is to get more time to spend with him or her and what better than some mouth watering food with it.

2. Technology

Ten years back, you got to know about a job through a friend or relative or somebody who knew about it. Today, apart from on campus placement, a number of ways can yield job vacancies, the topmost being social media and professional linking profiles. Remember when they asked you to rate your technological skills while applying?

3. Resumes

A three page long resume is no longer wanted in the job market. That would be the case the last time you went job hunting. But now, all you’re required to mention on your resume is your experience, key skills and your phone number. You might think that the last time you got a job, your resume consisted of three pages and maybe this time again, that might help you. Trust me, in today’s date nobody has the patience to go through your ‘short story’. Keeping it crisp and short will gain you more points.

4. Keywords

Three years back, there were very few of them who used search engine optimization to look for resumes. Today, SEO is an integral part of internet. So maybe five years back your resume was handpicked, but now it is important that you mention keywords on your resume to make it gain more visibility.

5. Experience matters

You may have bagged your previous job, sometime after you graduated, but today’s job market is tougher than you think it is. Unless you have an on campus placement or experience, it is going to be really difficult to get a job. Degree matters to an extent, but people who have an experience in the job they’ve applied to are preferred over the others.

It was a struggle then, and it is a struggle now. The only thing that has changed is the way you’re expected to struggle. Change is inevitable and the sooner you know it, the better it’ll be for you.

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