Bored At Work? 6 Things You Can Try Out To Up Your Professional Quotient And Productivity

Professionals generally get bored with the same work and profile, which in turn affects their productivity. Here are a few things you could try out the next time you get bored at work. Read on.

You’ve hardly faced a professional failure until now.

You have aced major projects, led your team successfully, taken additional responsibilities and fulfilled them successfully. But there often came a time when you felt bored at work, and it took you quite some time, more of additional factors such as new client, promotion etc., to get going on the track.

Getting bored at work is not uncommon.

Professionals generally get bored with the same work and profile, which in turn affects their productivity.

Here are a few things you could try out the next time you get bored at work. 

1. Start reading

Maybe you’re not as interested in reading as a bunch of your colleagues out there are. But you can always pick up books related to your work or profile suggested by a colleague of yours. Once you finish you can discuss topics from the book with others, over the lunch hour or meet up separately to talk about stuff from the book. Apart from making you look forward to office hours, the process will also increase your productivity.

2. Join a lunch club

A lunch club does not just involve people from your office or the office next to yours. It’s more of a networking thing that matches you up with someone in your area for lunch during the working days. You can always ask a co-worker to join you. Not only will you get to know someone new, but you’ll also get to increase your network and know about changes you can bring about in your way of working to increase your efficiency.

3. Get a personal journal

Not many people fancy journals these days as they believe in writing and sharing things online. Either of them serves the same purpose- creative writing, so even a blog sounds good enough. It can be a place for you to share your thoughts about something particular and the reader gets to know more about you. Fifteen to twenty minutes of creative writing everyday will buck you up and make you feel great about yourself.

4. Register for an online course

A wide range of free online courses are made available by famous universities around the world for people to access, irrespective of their region, background, qualifications, or profession. The Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) allow you to know and improve your knowledge about any subject you’ve been wanting to dig through since long.  

5. Revamp your work desk

Believe it or not but a fresh look of your work desk affects your productivity and efficiency to a good extent. Put some fresh photos, reorganize your drawers, add a few more things that keeps you bubbled up all through the day. When we surround ourselves with objects that support our physical and mental comfort, we’re more creative and more motivated.

6. Take on a volunteer project

A number of established organizations have a well-planned Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity, that involves employees getting their hands on something other than work, and that is good for the society. You can either try to start something that interests most of your co-workers or offer to research or present something to the team, which is off your work profile, yet could boost your resume to a good extent.

Getting off-track and bored at work is a normal thing, and happens to most of the professionals.

What matters are the steps you take to overcome boredom, which also increases your efficiency and productivity.

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