If You Are A Sex Pro! You Can Definitely Win Office Politics! Both Are Same!

Love and sex in office politics – You may be intrigued by the topic, but this is amazingly true. As much you are an expert in bed, you have greater chances to be a smart player in office politics. Read on to know how.

There are strong  similarities between office politics, and sex.

This is true! However funny it may sound.

We share a few similarities with you that we could dig out.

Do it, But Don’t Talk About It

You love sex, love to watch it, love to do it. Almost everybody does it, but nobody is comfortable discussing exactly what they do. We will talk for hours, however, about what other people might be doing. Other peoples’ sex life is always an interesting subject.

Are Office Politics any different? 

Almost everyone plays it, yet, we are so apprehensive talking about it in the open.  Typically, we use the term “playing politics” only to describe our colleagues’ behaviour – never our own. They are sucking up, scheming, and manipulating, but we are building relationships, developing strategies, and opening communication channels.

How diplomatic!



Ignore Sex At Your Own Peril, Ignore Office Politics At Your Own Peril

If you ignore sex, your mental and physical health is screwed big time.

So is the case with Office Politics. Ignore politics at your peril! Because, a sure way not to get noticed at work is to simply allow the brilliance of your work to speak for itself; through smart office politics, unless, of course, your work is winning Nobel prizes or you are single-handedly bringing in millions in sales. And not getting noticed is a sure way to dead-end your career. Ever notice that team player, not necessarily the hardest working, usually have the most influence? Well, try and observe a person who you know is having regular sex. They would be glowing, vibrant, happy and content with life.

Hence, it’s totally naïve to believe you can ignore interacting and influencing your coworkers and boss and still be a success. Frequent sex improves personal life.

Frequent, yet positive office politics improves your professional life.



Naturals Win The Game: Be it Sex, Be It Office Politics

There are always people who naturally navigate through and around the organization to get things done.

For those of us not born with a genius for getting along with people, success at office politics can be a little difficult as it may involve being a phony to become a likeable person in the office.

They will have to learn to communicate persuasively, and develop an assertive style backed with facts. This can take time and a whole lot of efforts. It is similar to the people who are not naturals in the bed. They cannot win the game hands down. They will have to put in a lot of efforts to learn the art. And learnt moves that come from watching a lot of porn, sometimes end as disasters.

Naturals in bed, are delicious. (Oh, did I say that?)



Get Involved Throughout, And Not Just For The End Result

Companies that practice performance management, they actually place value on their employee’s influencing and communication behaviours throughout, even at the lower levels of the organization.

They believe, correctly, that they get the best from their employees when the employee is fully engaged throughout the year with the tasks at hand, and not just gears up at he year-end to win the performance incentives. The employee wins it all if he is thinking about the betterment of the company at large, throughout his tenure.

Similarly, sex is a passionate game where players need to be involved throughout, and not just rushing for the orgasms.



Accept The Culture Before You Device Your Own Moves

A company’s culture is defined by the way decisions are made and how influence is allowed to flow up and down the hierarchy – in short, by its politics.

Embracing the culture will usually benefit you. And when you do join in, you’ll then have the opportunity to put your own stamp, for better or worse – on the company culture.But before you do that, you will have to learn and get equipped with the trends. Then you will have the exact idea as to how, where and when to bring something new. Same is with sex.

Before you try to experiment with new moves, master the usual and know what pleases your partner before taking the game to another level.


This will make you an expert! With Sex! With Office Politics!

So my friends, here are my two cents about two most unavoidable (read enjoyable if at all, you may), and exciting (read sexciting) games of life. Love office politics as you love sex, and you will never regret!

Derive Orgasmic Pleasure!

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