6 Probable Reasons You Got Rejected For That Job And How Can You Avoid Them The Next Time

We see a few probable reasons why you got rejected in the selection procedure and how can you not repeat it the next time.

One of the toughest phases of job searching is when you get rejected.

A battered self confidence and a tainted ego can take time to heal, but it’s important to discover what went wrong and how to not repeat it the next time you through a job selection process.

That you would have been neck to neck with another candidate is quite a probability.

We see a few probable reasons why you got rejected in the selection procedure and how can you not repeat it the next time. Read on.

1. Resume

Well, if you thought you are just too good to be spending some time to update your resume, you may have been a little more than confident. Sending your potential employer a messy, lazy or imperfect resume is the best way to get rejected in a job selection process. So, make sure you give enough time updating your CV, adding apt information and not your life history, and making it worth a selection.

2. Impunctual

There would have been too much traffic on the way, or raining cats and dogs or your pet got sick- on the day of your most eagerly awaited interview, none of those reasons is going to change what your prospective employer formed an impression of. A candidate who’s late on the day of his/her interview, will never be expected to do things on time.

3. First impression

You arrive half an hour late and are still on the phone. Imagine, how would you feel about the candidate if you were the hiring manager. By the time you realized what you were doing, the damage was done. How much ever you try now, you can’t undo what they think of you. So the nxt time, you have an interview scheduled, leave home well in time and stay away from technology for all that period.

4. Genuine enthusiasm for work

You may be on a look out for a job that interests you, or because you got bored of your previous job profile. Think again about how did you sound during the interview. Did you make your prospective job look like a life saver or something you have the enthusiasm to take up? Employers often hire the most motivated candidate, who they think would invest energy in the job.

5. Your social media profile

It is no news that social media plays a vital role in your personal as well as professional life. If it’s been a long time since you last checked your profile, may be it’s time you updated the details mentioned there. You might want to update, change the look, and add elements from your career to your professional profile, before you send across your resume.

6. Overconfidence

You just couldn’t stop being too confident and enthusiastic all through the interview procedure, could you?This is no school exam. If the questions you’re asked is similar to the way you had expected it to come, keep your emotions in control and answer them appropriately, rather than making your preparation for the interview obvious. Also, being a better listener always works.

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you end up getting rejected. What you need to keep in mind is that there are times when rejection is a good thing. So rather than spending too much time wondering on why did you get rejected, start working on your next opportunity.

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