5 Super Awesome Pranks You Have To Try On Your Hostel Mates!

awesome pranks
  1. Their Crush Is Texting

This can be targeted on someone who is having a crush at one of the classmates. Ask for their mobile phone on the pretext of making a call. Quickly put the name of their crush on your saved number in their phone. After an hour or so, start sending lovey dovey texts from your own number to your friend. They will think that their crush is sending those texts expressing the love. Of course they will go mad for those funny little moments, till you disclose the truth to them with a mischievous smile. 


These funny pranks must be used to spread some hilarious moments and make the bonding amongst hostel mates stronger, and not at all with the intention to harm anyone potentially.

Have fun and let others have fun too. 🙂

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