Categories: Campus

9 Memes About College Group Project That Will Make You Go Ha Ha ha

College group is appalling no matter what. Everyone would agree about sleepless nights, annoying scenes and stupid characters we encounter with during group project.

And students flock to social media to vent out their emotions when they super frustrated during the project. One of the hilarious status we saw was –Every time I work on a group project and magically everyone’s laptop broke.

Below are some events and memes we can instantly relate to when working in a group project.

  1. You realize how cruel the world is when you wish for college mates you want in your group but you end up with those you never ever want to work with.


  1. You end up taking the full control of the project and do the 99% of the work because you do not trust your group members at all. One of the hilarious status.

  1. One of the group members will be super proactive and the self proclaimed LEADER of the group project and others will be okay as you say Ma’am.

  1. You keep planning and scheduled meetings but ultimately no one turns up by giving some stupid excuses.

  1. One member will be like an alien to the project and has no idea what’s going on. He or she will be busy doing window shopping or will be playing games or busy doing some thing or the other but not the very project.

  1. There will be one group mate who will come late and will be in a hurry to leave too. And one will be an invisible one who will disappear after the first meet and will see you directly during the presentation.

  1. One group member will do the only one work of printing and burning the CD.

  1. When the project is due for next day, all the members feels regretful for procrastination.

  1. The worst feeling is when all the group members get the same grade and deep down you feel of complaining about the members to the professor.

hehehehe… Do you too have any such memories from your College Group Project days then do comment below. We too would like to know!

Nikita Roy

Published by
Nikita Roy

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