5 Reasons Why Asians Are Not Getting Accepted In Top American Colleges!


We have been hearing about apparent prejudice in the admissions process by the highly-selective colleges in US and other powerful economies.

And recently, we have seen a substantial increase in these stories of unfairness towards Asians, including lawsuits and complaints to the U.S. government, as well.

We have an idea that private colleges evaluate applicants on certain criterion. And what most people don’t understand is that high test scores and grades are not the sole determinant for admission to American colleges and other private universities.

Let us try to establish these 5 prominent reasons behind these unfair practices, and why Asians are not getting accepted in top American colleges :

  1. Americans Have A Peculiar Mentality

To appreciate why high-scoring students do not prevail in the American system, you must first understand the American mentality. Americans see themselves as world leaders, contributing not only to their own country, but also influencing other societies around the globe. The U.S. mentality is one in which individuals are expected to contribute to communities. American high school students are pushed to serve hundreds of hours in community service, both domestically and through international missions. And they definitely want the members of their own community in these serving roles. That is why Asians are rejected on large scale.


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