The most exciting and interesting phase of our life is college life, as it moulds us into what we are today. But college life is not complete without…
The most exciting and interesting phase of our life is college life, as it moulds us into what we are today. But college life is not complete without…
Freshers who keep losing track of way and time in college…
The one who puts a lot of maska on the faculty……
That ‘full of tashan’ senior who eventually becomes your friend…
That friend who is an internet stalker…
That friend who seems to have fallen in love with every passing person of the opposite sex or even the same sex(wink)…
That friend who thinks…
That nerd who always sits on the first bench and has as many doubts as he has hair on the head…
That friend who pulls you and the party along for a ‘ciggie’ break…
The higher studies folks: takes coaching for MBA, GRE, GMAT and dreams of earning more bucks…
The one with Mr/Miss popular tag who has gossip that interests everyone…