10 Lesser Known Interesting Facts of INDIA Will Definitely Blow Your Mind

Facts about India
  1. World’s Biggest Family

Yes, nowhere else but the worlds biggest family resides in India. It might be unbelievable but its fact a man “Ziona Chana” has total 39 wives, 94 children, 33 grandchildren and 14 daughter in-laws”.

Undoubtedly it’s unbelievable but for “Ziona” he says it’s just the “blessing”.


  1. Snapdeal.com Nagar

This might sound funny at first but it’s a fact guys. “Snapdeal.com Nagar is actually a village located in Muzzaffarnagar in UP state.

In June 2011, the villagers renamed “Shiv Nagar” as “Snapdeal.com Nagar”.

There’s an explanation too that says “ It was only after Snapdeal- an Indian e-commerce company installed 15 hand pumps so that the villagers don’t have to walk miles looking for drinking water”.


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