Finally Preity Zinta Used Facebook To Shut The Mouth Of Her Detractors!

We talk about the befitting reply Preity Zinta has given to her detractors on Facebook. Her point by point rebuttal makes sense. She has always been a smart girl and proves again!

Preity Zinta has always been this kick-ass kind of chick and she has proved it yet again by giving a befitting reply to all her critics and detractors!

Since the day she filed a police complaint against her ex-boyfriend, Ness Wadia, she has been at the receiving end of all kinds of dirty speculations and gossip-mongers who didn’t leave a single opportunity to blame her for everything.

Now she wrote a reply to all of them on her Facebook page and man, she does pack a punch!

We all know it isn’t easy being a woman in this male-loving country and on top of it, if she raises her voice against a man, that too a powerful one, she is ridiculed. That’s what happened when people blamed her washing her private dirty linen in public! However, she clarified that whatever it was between her and Ness, ended in 2009! That was freaking 6 years ago, so now whatever happens, is not private but an assault on a woman’s dignity and a voice has to be raised against it. She is justified when she says that fellow women should support her, if not support; at least don’t belittle her for taking up a cause which is important for the whole of women-kind! Just because she is a celebrity or has more resources than most of us, doesn’t give anyone a right to be jealous and put down her genuine complaint.

Preity is bang on when she says that she has achieved enough popularity being an actress and doesn’t need to stoop so low for this kind of cheap publicity. She also gives a tight slap on the face of those hypocrites who claim she did all this for money. She said that BCCI has records how she made the initial investment of Rs. 5 Crores for buying the IPL team and also paid on Ness’s behalf, even though he paid it back to her after few months! Guess this financial chapter should be paid to rest now.

As far as a complaint goes that she use to hog all the seats for her near ones at stadiums, she mentioned that she use to give away her quota of seats to players’ families and kept only 6 seats out of a total 85 seats! Now, if that is called seat-hogging, wonder what do those detractors have between their ears? Cow-dung?

Now the lady is a working woman and it seems convincing enough when she said that she had to go to the US for work and she is professional enough to come back as soon as the cops required her here.

Why can’t people separate personal and professional lives? Work has to go on, right?

There is something called pride, self-respect that holds equal importance for everyone, irrespective of social status or gender. Preity sounds justified when she says that she had to file an FIR for her pride and dignity, since it wasn’t the first time she was being subjected to such kind of harassment and intimidation.

Well, case is still under investigation, we are not here to pass judgments. However, going by what Preity has mentioned in her open letter to the world at large, we firmly believe that all those pointing fingers at her, should keep their sorry-ass in place and mind their own business. She at least had the balls to stand-up for herself compared to those meek spectators who have nothing better to do than just put allegations. 

Let the justice prevail, but Preity, we have loved you for your forthrightness and hope you get what you really deserve!

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