Story of A Carpenter Who Works as Hindi Editor

“When there is a will there is a way”! The statement sounds effective as the real-life story of Raju Jangid.…

2 years ago

Know What your Daily Screen Time Says About You

Daily screen time describes the hours that a person spends on the phone or PC. Be a curse or blessing,…

2 years ago

Unknown Facts About the Longest River Nile

Peeping back into the ancient history of Egypt mentioning the Pharaoh's, it mentions the longest river on the earth, “River…

2 years ago

How Elizabeth’s Old Handbag Trend Turned To Modern Fashion

Handbags in modern days are luxurious items developed distinctively by different brands. While looking back into the history of old…

2 years ago

WhatsApp’s mistake – losing popularity in India

There’s a high possibility that we might see a big change in India regarding what app to use for communication.…

2 years ago

The Country in Asia That Survives Within 150 Volcanoes

Indonesia is the only country in Asia that is surviving within 150 volcanoes with a history of deadly eruptions. The…

2 years ago

How to Check if You Need Term Plan Maturity Benefits?

Being a responsible individual, you understand the necessity of protecting your loved ones with a life insurance cover. The insurance…

2 years ago

Fascinating Streams Of Mud Festival In South Korea

Promoting mud made products and cosmetics are the main intentions of the mud festival that is celebrated in Buryeong, South…

2 years ago

Is Ban On Chinese Products A Benefit For India?

Chinese Products export-led to a decline to 13 percent after banning in India. The major decision that escalated the imports…

2 years ago

Top 8 India’s Sports Moment in Last 10 Years

When looking back into the sports moment of India and the success of the last decade different areas have been…

2 years ago

How Focus Meditation Improves Your Neuroplasticity?

Lack of neuroplasticity leads to memory loss, impatience, and at a point, a person fears to think or take any…

2 years ago

Monkey Buffet, the unique Festival of Thai’s and Mongoloid’s

In November, the month for the festival of the monkeys that is known as the "Monkey Buffet" Festival. Monkeys population…

2 years ago

Rituals! When Bride Kidnapping To Eloping is Fun Before Marriage

Many parts of the country perform the rituals when the groom kidnaps or runs away with his bride. It is…

2 years ago

Vegemite a Tasteless Unique Food of Australia

Australia is popular for nature’s beauty covering seas, islands, and mountains. Apart from nature and people, it is the food…

2 years ago

Mysterious History Of Tesla And Death Ray Weapon

Tesla’s invention of the death ray remains an all-time mystery because no one was able to find out any kind…

2 years ago

How Retail Sectors act as high prospects to the youth?

Prospects of development had a sudden decline with the pandemic, till 5 years earlier the expectation to the retail sectors…

2 years ago

Denmark the Happiest Country and Disciplined in the World

The only country in the world which is the happiest and excels disciplines in the world is Denmark. The crime…

2 years ago

Did You Know That Our Stomach Also Blushes When Shy?

Blushing, feeling shy is common and so is the redness that appears on the face, no matter a male or…

2 years ago