The journey of Indian Students - The young generation of India has proved to the world that they are the best.…
Distance relationship comparison - How will anyone describe the relationship? The relationship can include many relations specifically discussing a distance…
Movies Vs Real Life - Having expectations is no crime; it is in human nature and every individual expects certain…
Bengali - Bengalis are a foodie, Bengalis are creative, also Bengalis are intelligent but the so-called intelligence vanishes instantly when…
Super Models of India - What does a supermodel mean? Alternatively, how much they differ that they are considered as…
Scorpion woman - Snooty, honest, caring, moody, hard working, sarcastic and doe-eyed, in a nutshell, a Scorpion woman is your…
Creative field - Smokers will need an excuse to smoke, the profession can't be blamed but there are some professions…
Science fiction movies in Hollywood with the utmost thoughts on the stories and incorporating them into the movies with fine…
Mindfulness at work - If you are too fickle and want many breaks during work, your concentration splits and the…
Diwali pollution - Diwali has just gone by and the festive mood has simmered down but the brunt that the…
Lord Hanuman son of Anjani or the incarnation of Lord Shiva. The word Hanuman described a person having a disfigured…
Prime Minister Narendra Modi - Born on 17th September 1950,third child among the six children, born in a grocer family…
Actors who joined politics - Bollywood the platform of entertainment, worldwide and the actors or actresses those are into theatres…
One of the most auspicious rituals of the Diwali fest is the Laxmi Puja. We Indians dedicate ourselves wholly to…
Bengali culture is not just draping in red bordered white saree, dhuti Panjabi, rosogolla and Durga puja, it is the…
Movies about war - When peace seems problem to the cowards, they wage war. War has the worst collateral damage…
Amitabh Bachchan Diwali celebration - The Bachhans are known to throw the most lavish parties in B-town and no wonder,…
Netaji Subahsh Chandra Bose was a leader of the highest order. Unsung, Netaji's name dissolved in oblivion after his sad…