How Indian Airforce Planned The Surprise Airstrike, According to Indian Airforce Authority

Twelve Mirage 2000 jets from Indian side ran amok in Balakot, Pakistan and blew away Jaish-e-Muhammed terror launchpads at around 3:30 am early on 26th February, 2019. It was a surprise airstrike to avenge the recent terror attack on the Indian military vehicle in Pulwama district of Kashmir that reverberated the valley.

Revenge was paramount when a misdemeanour from Pakistan shook the entire nation. The Modi government is being hailed for being such fearsome and prompt in their action. The fighter jets successfully destroyed terrorist camps in Balakot in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Muzzaffarabad, Chakothi.

Indian Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale revealed that Indian Airforce crossed the line of control based on the information furnished by Indian Intelligence. He claimed that the biggest terror launch camp of Jaish-e-Muhammed was reduced to ashes by the airstrike.

According to the credible sources, Jaish-e-Muhammed was gearing up to conduct suicide attacks in others corners of the nation. The Fidayen terrorists were undergoing training to execute the attacks. This prompted the Indian Army to sit up in alarm and bring them to task as soon as possible. Indian Airforce targeted the biggest terror camp of Jaish-e-Muhammed in the attack and they successfully destroyed it. Further, the claims are made from the Indian side that in the attack, the extremists, trainers, the senior commanders and those undergoing training in the camps were killed. Remarkably, the head of the camp, Maulana Yousuf Azhar aka Ustad Gaudi who is a kin to Jaish-e-Muhammed chief Masood Azhar was killed in the attack too.

The sources claimed that no civilians have been killed in the attack as Indian Airforce approached cautiously. The camp was located in the deep forest bracketed by mountains, far from the civilian habitats. Jaish-e-Muhammed, the terror outfit in Pakistan orchestrated many attacks in India last year  under the guidance of chief Masood Azhar which includes the attacks in Indian Parliament and Pathankot. The  sources revealed that the makeshift  terrorist training camps are operative in the Pak occupied Kashmir. India has unalterable evidence about the existence of these camps even though Pakistan refutes the claims brazenly. However, India claims that this is impossible for the Pakistani government not have knowledge about them when thousands of terrorists are being trained in these camps everyday.

Pakistan was given the taste of their own medicine with this surprise airstrike by India which eliminated large number of terrorists. The aircraft dropped 1,000 kg laser guided bombs on terror training camps, completely annihilating them.

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