Trend Watch: What Is Social Display of Affection

From couples coochi-cooing on each other’s walls to constantly tagging each other in pics, from telling the world how much they love their partners to updating status that are mildly cheese and highly nauseous, these couples are guilty of washing our timeline with their love.

We have all heard of Public Display of Affection, right? The famous hand-holding, nuzzling-the-neck, a-quick-peck-on-the-lips phase that most couples indulge in…public. While there are people who turn up their noses at such an ‘artificial’ (their word, not mine) behaviour, there are those who consider it healthy, fun and none of your damn business. We are not going to find out who is right and who isn’t, but we are going to talk about a new concept that’s evolved from the PDA and is taking over our lives.

It’s called as SDA or Social Display of Affection. From couples coochi-cooing on each other’s walls to constantly tagging each other in pics, from telling the world how much they love their partners to updating status that are mildly cheese and highly nauseous, these couples are guilty of washing our timeline with their love. Is it wrong for a madly-in-love duo to go all sappy on social media? No. But is it right for them to constantly barrage their friends with updates/photos/check-ins of their flourishing love life? No. Because a) there are many jealous losers out there who are dying for a life like you, b)half the people don’t even know you that well on the social media, c)those who know you don’t care for your SDA and d) it’s too dumb.

You’re in love, we get it. But so are we! We have a loving partner who cooks us midnight meals, buys us funky stuff and indulges our whims and fancies. We don’t constantly go ‘awww’ on them or post every single detail on the web. Trend watchers say that SDA emerges because you are craving for attention, you want the world and his mother to know what a great love life you have and of course, you have way too much time on hand. While PDA is a natural process of touching and holding your partner, SDA is an unnatural way of cultivating affection.

Being in love is one thing, but putting a price on your grand affair by getting likes and comments is rather silly, no? It’s quite needy and desperate, isn’t it? But of course, there are those who feel that SDAs just an extension of their lives. What you’re doing in real life is being reflected on the virtual one. Also, why should my life bother you? We can’t pinpoint the reason, but it does bother us. The same trend watchers argue that those who are not doing particularly well in their lives, both professionally and personally, tend to get worked up over SDA. They might develop criminal tendencies in the long run or even become psychotic!

All said and done, if you want to indulge in SDA, you should. It’s your life and you get to live it only once. And if you’re the kind that hates SDA, well…continue to do so. You have just one life too!

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