Ten Ways How A Negative Thinker And A Positive Thinker See The World Differently!

Negative thinker and positive thinker

Negative thinker and positive thinker – What consumes your mind, controls your life – said they. Then why not fill up the life with great heights of ‘positiveness’. Be positive is an energy in itself, that gives loads of good energy to accomplish great things and tasks.

When there is so much goodness about being positive and positive thinking, I have no idea why some people are stuck with negative vibes and thinking process. Being positive solves half a dozen of life’s problem. Here, you see how the negative thinker and positive thinker see world differently!!

Negative thinker and positive thinker

  1. Positive thinkers know the power of apologising

Positive thinking people very well know the power of apologising. They take out to apologise, instead of staying possessed by unwanted ego.

Negative thinkers stay possessed with ‘ego’ and hence never apologise

They are set of people that actually don’t recognise the importance of apologising. They remain egoistic to apologise for the deeds that they have done.

Negative thinker and positive thinker

  1. Positive thinkers take in knowledge every day with reading

For the Positive thinkers, knowledge is the only thing that provides them the much wanted peace and relief. They are the knowledge seekers and so they resort to book reading and get the peace and stay happy n calm.

Negative thinker’s bling on TV shows

For them it’s the TV shows, that they feel rescues them from the life’s problem. They don’t have a habit of reading books but open to find out solution to their problems.

  1. Positive thinking buddies are open to the changes in life

They welcome the different changes that they come across in life. Never scared, instead analyse the situation for bettering it up.

Negative thinkers are never ready for the change

Even-though they very well know, change is inevitable – they are no ready for it.

Negative thinker and positive thinker

  1. Positive people admire what is to be admired

Positive buddies admire the great deals in life. They happily admire the great work and acts of other and never point out.

Negative people never admire

They love and find fun in finding faults in others and their acts. They keep poking into others life’s.

Negative thinker and positive thinker

  1. Positive people will admire and encourage their buddies going to great heights

They applaud when they friends are doing great and reaching heights.

Negative people who always love everyone to be at their level

They never want their buddies doing great accomplishments and reaching heights. They always think of pulling them back to their level.

Negative thinker and positive thinker

  1. Positive people are ready to face criticism

They are all ready and open to criticism. They take the criticism as an opportunity to realise what actually went wrong.

Negative people are never ready for criticism

You find them always ‘self-possessed’ and never open to criticism.

Negative thinker and positive thinker

  1. Positive people also think for the wellness of others

They take good care of the ones that they love and be there for them always.

Negative people are always self-possessed and self-centric

They hardly recognise people and their emotions. To be precise they don’t care for anyone or anything except for themselves.

Negative thinker and positive thinker

  1. Positive people readily welcome people

They are the coolest buddies that readily accept people and ready to expand their world.

Negative people are never ready to expand their world

They are set of buddies that are never ready to accept people into their world and life. They feel comfortable with themselves and with a little lot of people.

Negative thinker and positive thinker

  1. Positive thinker know learning is an ever ending

And so they keep learning and acquire knowledge every day from every little thing that they come across.

Negative buddies assume knowledge is fixed and limited

Knowledge is dive and never fixed.

Negative thinker and positive thinker

  1. Positive people learn from the past

They don’t sit and brood over the past. Instead they set ahead to learn from it lessons.

Negative people don’t take the opportunity to learn from the past

They don’t learn but sit brooding and wasting valuable time.

Negative thinker and positive thinker

So, these are some different aspects that Negative thinker and positive thinker see them differently. And which lot do you belong to?

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