Here’s How You Can Use Banana Peel Instead OF Throwing It Away!

Uses Of Banana Peel

Uses Of Banana Peel – Banana fruit is very tasty, agree? We all eat banana.

Okay, some of us do. We do because it is an energy booster. They are NOT just tasty, but they’ve many benefits. I would say, that they’re extremely beneficial. To mention a few benefits, banana’s improves bone and heart health. Plus they reduce stress and treat problems like diarrhea and eye problem. In short, bananas are a must to eat.

Not just bananas, but also banana peel.

Surprised? Oh well, I know it’s surprising but yes, banana peel should be eaten. Why? ‘Cause they’re very beneficial to health. I know, all we do is, eat banana and then we toss the peel in the trashcan. Yeah, I’ve been doing the same thing.

But not anymore.

Why, you ask? It’s because I realized that banana peels are as important as bananas.

Uses Of Banana Peel : Below I’ve mentioned how you can use banana peel instead of throwing it away. I’m sure that they’ll convince you to NOT throw the peels.


Yes, you can use it to whiten your teeth. All you need to do is, rub the banana peel on your teeth until they’re coated on your teeth. Make sure that you apply it thoroughly on your teeth. Later, leave it for about 10 minutes max. Once it’s done, brush your teeth and remove the dirt.

Uses Of Banana Peel

(Image Source: worthytoknow)


What is wart you ask? Wart is a small bump on the skin caused by human papillomavirus. To prevent it, all you need to do is, keep the inside of the banana on your skin (wherever the bump is) and tighten it with a tape. Do this BEFORE sleeping and leave it overnight. Remove it in the morning and then notice the change.

(Image Source: Best Herbal Health)


Some might not like the idea of using banana peel to polish shoes but there are many who use it. All you need to do is, rub the peel on your shoes (e.g. Formal shoe) and later wipe it down with a clean cloth.

It is done to remove all the small dirt.

(Image Source: Lifehacker India)


Wrinkles is a common problem and we hate having it, right? Guess what? You can make ‘em disappear now. Isn’t that good? It is, right? All you need to do is, place the banana peel on wrinkles to reduce the lines and puffiness.

Uses Of Banana Peel

(Image Source: StyleTips 101)


You can use banana peel to prevent pimples, bumps and blackheads. You’ve to pace it on the pimples etc and keep rubbing it thoroughly. Once you’re done with it, do not wash your FACE quickly.

Leave it for minutes because the healing starts when you stop rubbing.

(Image Source: Raw Ayurveda)


Those who have dry skin can consider banana peel method as a remedy. Banana peel should be used on the dry skin. All you need to do is, gently massage your dry skin by using the peel.

Uses Of Banana Peel

(Image Source: Natural Remedy Ideas)

Uses Of Banana Peel : Other than that; you can use it to heal bruise.

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