How To Cure Indigestion At Home?

cure indigestion
How to cure indigestion – Due to indiscriminate eating, we fall vulnerable to indigestion.
It can be very daunting at times and lead us into a thick soup. People call off plans for indigestion, some people even have excruciating headache due to the acidity. Indigestion occurs when your digestive hormones are on a hiatus for sometime. Indigestion is the result of the acidity flowing into esophagus thereby making us feel full even if we have not eaten for quite sometime. Indigestion, most of the times is followed by nausea, loose motion and loss of appetite.
Here are some useful and quick home remedies with which you can cure indigestion.
Ways to cure indigestion –
1. Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda that cleanses are detoxifies your stomach on its consumption. It relieves you from heartburn too and retrieves your lost appetite. Mix a pinch of baking soda with water along with honey or lemon whichever you please and drink it to get quick results.
2. Apple cider vinegar is an excellent source of magnessium, pottasium, phosphorus and many other minerals which help cure your indigestion quickly.  Consume Apple Cider vinegar with water or honey for letting it’s alkaline-based digestive properties to cure the indigestion.
3. Ginger contains anti-oxidants that are great for curing your indigestion. You can consume ginger by many means. Eat it on a whole, drink juice of it.
4. Chewing fennel seeds is the far-fetched method of curing indigestion in India for its oil based indigestion curing properties. That aside, it leaves a lingering freshness in your mouth that helps you forget the nausea.
5. Carom seeds are high on digestive enzymes so be very sure that chewing some raw carom seeds will help cure your indigestion in a jiffy.
These are the five most effective home remedies to cure indigestion. If you don’t have medicines handy, try these at home and get instant results.

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