Why I Would Never Marry A Guy Who Lives Alone

Guy who lives alone

Most of the girls I have been meeting lately are fond of the idea of getting married to a guy who lives alone.

For them, it’s the best thing for a successful marriage because there won’t be any chance of family feuds or anything and life would always be romantic.

After all, there are no elders interfere, thus making the life easy.

For me, it’s a different case altogether.

Maybe, the guy who lives alone is the perfect match for some women seeking independence after marriage, but not me. I believe that getting married is about starting a new family. I believe it’s about accepting his parents as mine, living with them and enjoying every moment like a true family.

Just the way I have been doing it with my family.

Having lived in a joint family, I don’t wish to start a nuclear family. I wish that when my children are born, they should know what it like is to live in a big family and enjoying every moment to the fullest. The little joys of life turn into a celebration when you live in a big family, while living alone it’s just another day no matter what.

What is life if you are not celebrating with the people you love and who love you too?

There’s no point in achieving success and accomplishing your dreams if there’s no family around to celebrate with you. I want that every day when my children come back from school, they sit with their grandparents and hear their stories. I want that every day when my husband returns from work, we all sit together like a family with a huge spread on the dining table and spend a good time talking about how the day went by.

Guy who lives alone – May be some love to live alone and it’s totally their choice, but for me, life is much more fun when we spend every moment with a family.

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