The Story Of The People Who Have Been Sexually Assaulted Will Jolt You To The Core

people who have been sexually assaulted

People who have been sexually assaulted – Rape, sexual assault, and harassment are some common words that are being heard today all over us.

According to a survey every 2 out of 3 woman have at least once been a victim of sexual assault or abuse and in most of the cases it’s done by someone very close to them, someone known to them. What hurts us the most is that people have started taking it lightly as if there’s not a big-deal about it, but in reality, this is the perfect example of how rotten our roots are and how it will never let us grow.

Here are some of the incidents of the people who have been sexually assaulted and they shared their sexual assault episodes and it’s absolutely disgusting.

People who have been sexually assaulted

  1. I was 8 years old and my “UNCLE” took out his penis and asked me to play with it. I felt awkward and he comforted me saying that there is nothing wrong in it. He also asked me that if I like, I can think of it as a lollipop and act in the same manner as I used to do with the candy. I was 11 years old by the time I realized that I was being sexually assaulted. I couldn’t gather the courage to tell anyone because no one would have believed me.
  1. I was 13 years old when my “Cousin Brother” started kissing my lips aggressively and slid his fingers in my pants. I felt a lot of pain but he held my lips tight enough for me to screen. As he was taller, older and stronger I couldn’t push him away. He kept doing it for about 5 minutes. He also threatened me that if I dared to tell anything to anyone he would kill me.
  1. I am a 17 years old boy, I was only 12 years old when my “Class Teacher” called me to school on a Saturday telling my parents that I have an extra class. She locked me in the washroom with herself and asked me to suck her breast and press them. I was scared but she assured me that she will give me good grades if I do what she says. She kept on doing it repeatedly until I realized that I was being physically assaulted by her on regular basis.
  1. I was 7 years old when my “Neighbor”called me home to play a game; the game was called COPY-CAT. My mother was a single parent and hence, didn’t mind me leaving at his place as he was well known to us. He asked me to keep it a secret from everyone. He asked me to copy him on everything that he did. It went on from taking off our clothes to rubbing each-other’s genitals. I felt suicidal when I came to know what all it meant 2 years later.

These are the people who have been sexually assaulted – Well, these are only 4 of the millions of such cases all around the globe. Many of us never expressed it out of fear of being taken wrongly but in literal terms, this is what which has to be stopped. Teach yourself; teach your children and everyone around you. It’s a fatal disease and the only cure is YOU.

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