10 Sex Laws That Will Make You Say WTF !

Sex Laws

Ours is a bizarre world and more bizarre are the people living on the planet who leave no stone unturned in making us speechless from time to time.

So this time we have some sex laws up are sleeves that will make you say WTF!!!

Let’s get rolling then-

1. In India, marital rape is not considered as either rape or crime! Thank you very much Sir!

2. Men aren’t allowed to kiss their wives’ breast in Florida. Ahem! Now we don’t know what to say to that!

3. In Budapest, you cannot have sex with your lights turned on, not even in your home.Wow!

4. In Louisiana, it’s legal to have sex with a dead person.

5. If you are in Indonesia, you will probably not want to masturbate at all because you can be beheaded for that as a punishment. Yeah, you heard it right. BE-HEAD-ED!

6. In Cali of Colambia according to a tradition mothers are required to watch their daughters loosing their virginity. *wide eyed* *raises eyebrows*

7. In Iowa, if you have a moustache you cannot kiss a woman in public.

8. The only position in which Washington D.C. allows its people to have sex in is the missionary position. All others are ILLEGAL!

9. In Denmark its legal to have sex with an animal. Errr,  sweet?

10. In Mauritius, sex toys are illegal. Wow.

Pheww! Now that was some real craziness. These sex laws shocked us to the core. Tell us which one got to your head?

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