Remember Ice Bucket Challenge, Now Condom Challenge Is The Latest Online Trend


One of the famous challenges that broke the internet was Ice Bucket Challenge.It was started to create awareness of ALS issue and also to raise money for a cause. After that, we saw many more bizarre challenges, the latest one which is right now sweeping the internet is the Condom challenge.

In this challenge, one has to fill up the condom till it becomes one huge balloon and drop it off on the challenger’s head. If your face gets wrapped with it without breaking, then you performed it correctly.

Later the condom is removed by breaking and thus drenching.

This new weird cousin of ice bucket challenge is just more dangerous and not for any cause or charity.

According to some reports, it was just started by two friends as a prank and now it has gone viral and has inspired many to drop these latex blobs on their heads.

But now the hash tag #CondomChallenge has evolved into an online campaign to promote safe sex. Apparently, no condom companies or sexual health associations are fueling the movement.

The challenge is now at different level together. There is a dedicated twitter account also and the bio says Be safe and do not forget to pop the condom.

Here is the compilation of video clips of people who took the challenge and posted on their social media accounts.

Some people have expressed concerns over the safety and warned that the Condom Challenge could be fatal as it could cause suffocation and still people are carrying out this act.

What are your thoughts on this wacky challenge which is getting popular day by day? Would you be like to be part of this viral challenge? Let us know your views in the comments below.

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