Who Do Parents Love More? Your Sibling or You?


There are two kinds of parents in the world – one, who say they love all their children equally and second, liars.

No parent loves their children equally; bias exists. They tend to see sibling relationship in different light, which is a fact.

Where in some scenarios, the elder sibling receives favouritism, on other instances, the younger one reaps the fruits of the seeds they sow (…or not).

Here we look at several such situations, where parents’ bias towards their kids is highlighted –



1. Sure, the older one got attention when he/she was the only child, but when the younger one comes along, parents make them the centre of the household.

The younger one gets more attention than the older sibling

The younger one gets more attention than the older sibling


2. The younger ones tend to get away with most of their mistakes. In turn, parents blame the older sibling for not being the responsible one, EVEN IF THE YOUNGER ONE IS AT FAULT!!

The older sibling bears the brunt of the younger one's fault

The older sibling bears the brunt of the younger one’s fault


3. The younger sibling never runs out of clothes. Parents store their first born child’s clothes which they ‘pass on’ to their second/third/fourth born…

The younger sibling never runs out of clothes

The younger sibling never runs out of clothes


4. The older one does not get as much freedom as the younger. Blame it on the change in time, which brings alteration in culture. Nevertheless, the younger sibling gets to enjoy more than the older one.

The younger sibling has more freedom than the older one

The younger sibling has more freedom than the older one


5. The younger one is also spared of all the household chores like buying groceries or paying the bills. As the responsible one, the older sibling has to manage them.

The younger sibling is spared of all household chores

The younger sibling is spared of all household chores



1. The younger ones suffer technologically because when parents buy a new gadget, the older one gets to operate it. Parents see the younger sibling as a “flight risk” in terms of technology.

Older sibling is responsible for operation of new gadgets

Older sibling is responsible for operation of new gadgets


2. The older ones are often projected as the role model for the younger sibling, provided that the former has accomplished more and is renowned more than the latter.

Younger ones see their older sibling as their role model

Younger ones see their older sibling as their role model


3. The younger sibling finds it annoying when their safety reins are handed over to the older one, which is what every parent does. The younger one has to listen to the elder one.

The older ones get to control the younger sibling

The older ones get to control the younger sibling


4. Regardless of the topic, the suggestions that the older sibling provides is taken into account even if the younger one’s theory makes more sense.

Older sibling's points are taken into account than younger one's

Older sibling’s points are taken into account than younger one’s


5. Parents laugh it off when the older sibling easily embarrasses the younger one in public, especially in front of their friends.

The older siblings can embarrass the younger ones easily

The older siblings can embarrass the younger ones easily

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